Come One! Come All! To the Hargrove Family Circus!
Ever want to run off and join the circus?
Jump on the circus train and become an elaborate performer, a sensational sideshow freak or possibly one of the rambunctious roustabouts that make the whole circus work!
This mystery offers endless possibilities for costumes and decorations to set the scene and take you back to this fabulous period of illusion and intrigue. With an elaborate stage set, there are endless possibilities of motives for murder - from stealing money to stealing one's heart to stealing the center ring position! It will be up to you and your guests to play the part and find the murderer!
- 8-12, 10-15 and 15-20 guest parties are now available!
- Clean and Regular versions available!
- 20+ version available by September 15, 2011.
- Check back weekly to our blog for:
- Murder Under The Big Top party food ideas
- Murder Under The Big Top party decoration ideas
- Chances to win a FREE Murder Under The Big Top party! (see below)
- More information on the party!

Here is your CHANCE TO WIN!!!
Two simple steps.
(1) Become a follower of our blog and "like" us on Facebook (if you haven't already).Two simple steps.
(2) Leave a comment below on why YOU would like to throw MURDER UNDER THE BIG TOP!
We will award a FREE Murder Under the Big Top party (any size)
to the best comment. Winner chosen September 7th.
I need and want to win! I throw the best Murder Mystery parties because i buy the best from you guys and everyone knows it! If these pictures below from Murder High Reunion don't say it all then i don't know what will!
-Lana Dunn-Please Pick Me!!!
I love murder mystery parties! Our friends look forward to it every year. Night of mystery has been our favorite of the games we have done and we have done many!!
I wanna win!
Ladies and Gentlemen.....children of all ages....Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth! I can hear the Ringmaster's words ringing in my ears. I see the bright, vivid costumes of the performers, lion tamer, clowns and even black heart of our murder all under our red and white big top tent. I can smell the popcorn and peanuts. I see the cotton candy floating by like little pink clouds. How is this possible? We all know that planning a party can be as crazy as a three ring circus, but a party with Night of Mystery is an easy production, but it’s as exhilarating as being shot out of a cannon with tons of confetti! All one needs is a little creativity and a child like imagination!
This is the evening I would like to provide to our neighborhood teens at the Halloween party this year. Many of these teens have never had the opportunity to go to the circus, but with Night of Mystery...they will all have the opportunity to BE the circus!
Thank you for all of your efforts in providing good, clean fun for our teens!
Elizabeth H.
Clue 1: The weapon of the murder was a gun. Pressed against the back of the victim the trigger was pulled and blood poured out.
It started out as the best circus of the centry, but one word turned the entire thing around. Death. It went from joy, laughter and pink cotton candy to a thriving mystery. Who killed who?
This mystery would give fun a new meaning. It would come to life through hard thinking, clue finding and finger pointing.
My friends and I are always looking for new mysteries, and this game would put our detective skills to the test. We are so obsessed with murder mysteries, we are constantly getting together to play CSI games or to create our own murder senarios. This game would be most opportune in our hands, we would live and breathe the senario for weeks before the party and would begin to come to life.
We absolutely adore mysteries, and this would be perfect for our next and biggest adventure yet.
Thank you for all the work you've done creating these masterpieces! We would really appreciate winning a copy of your mystery, it would certainly be worth your efforts!
Aquilla Chase
This year will be my first Night of Mystery party - I plan on buying the Murder High Reunion kit... me and my family/friends are so excited about it! Winning this one would allow me to do one next year too! Please consider me! Thanks!
Megan Addison
My Girl Scouts absoulutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Murder Mystery Parties ("Killing for the Crown" was a favorite!). We're always on the look-out for new and exciting challanges... Especially when "murder" is involved!
Mrs T
He said come 1 come all enjoy the show
It will be great fun for all but wouldn't you know
The night came to an end with the death of 1 of the crew
But who had killed him nobody knew.
So questions were asked to try to find
Which 1 of his friends was behind
This dastardly murder which should have left everyone sad
But it seemed everyone was just plain mad
With everything out in the open it's true
Everyone had their own point of view
who had put an end to his life
Whether it was his friends his brother or even his wife
But when all was said and done
it seems he really had no 1
Everyone had a motive it's true
so play the game to find out if the killer was you.
I do not know if the victim has a brother or a wife it just goes well with the poem but if I win the copy of the game I would love to find out.
Thanks for reading.
I was looking back at my post from August 22, 2011 11:43 AM, and realized I had forgotten to give you a way to get a hold of me! So here's another clue to the mystery:
If you're looking for a place to stash the coveted game, you can email this insider for a clean get-away!
Thanks again, and sorry for forgetting my email yesterday!
-Aquilla Chase
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